Inception Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Inception? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who tells Cobb to "come back to reality"?

Miles (his father-in-law)
Projection Mal
Q. In Mal and Cobb's saying, it doesn't matter where the train is taking you because "_________."

There is only one set of tracks.
Getting on is better than being run over by one.
You'll be together.
The food they serve is actually pretty good.
Q. Ariadne describes building dream worlds as "__________."

Playing with a really big set of Legos.
Pure creation.
Architecture of the mind.
An ocrean of possibilities.
Q. When talking to Ariadne, Projection Mal describes herself (and hence Cobb as well) as "_________."

Half of a whole.
A shadow.
A truth within a lie.
The best limbo-er in the world (she can go really low…whoa that worked on a few different levels).
Q. What does Arthur make Saito think of by asking him not to think of it?

A white bear
Hamsters in little roll-y balls
Dying as an old man filled with regret