Riley (Kaitlyn Dias)’s Timeline and Summary

Riley (Kaitlyn Dias)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Riley, age 11, and her parents move from Minnesota to San Francisco.
  • The new house stinks, and the moving van with all their stuff gets delayed. Even the local pizza is nasty.
  • On her first day at her new school, Riley breaks into tears in front of her classmates while telling them about her old life.
  • Riley lashes out at her parents over dinner when they ask about school, and her dad sends her to her room. Dad comes up to talk things out, but Riley stays mum.
  • During a video chat sesh, Riley hangs up on her friend Meg back in Minnesota after Meg raves about the new girl on the hockey team.
  • Riley blows her hockey team try-out, stomps off the ice, and snaps at her mom.
  • Riley steals her Mom's credit card and buys a bus ticket to Minnesota.
  • Just after the bus pulls away with Riley onboard, she has a change of heart and returns home.
  • Riley confesses to her parents that she misses Minnesota. They admit that they do, too. Then they hug it out.
  • A flash forward reveals that Riley's back to her usual self. She's got rad new friends, loving (and occasionally embarrassing) parents, and a spot on the hockey team.