Suffering Quotes in Into Thin Air

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Are you not feeling good, Jon?" he mocked. "This is only Camp One, six thousand meters. The air here is still very thick" (8.6)

Yeah, we get it Ang—you're completely unfazed by low-oxygen environments. Stop rubbing it in already. For everyone else, every moment spent at such high altitudes is like a moment spent on a bed of hot coals. In other words: It hurts. A lot.

Quote #2

By the time he arrived at the tents late that afternoon Ngawang was delirious, stumbling like a drunk, and coughing up pink, blood-laced froth. (8.23)

Higher on the mountain, the air gets insanely thin—even by Sherpa standards. For example, Ngawang, who pridefully declined treatment for altitude sickness, dies after succumbing to the nasty medical complications listed above. Seriously: This ain't no walk in the park, people.

Quote #3

The ration of misery to pleasure was greater by an order of magnitude than any other mountain I'd been on. (10.5)

Here, Krakauer shatters the stereotype that mountain-climbers are thrill-seekers at heart. There are no thrills to be had on Everest, no adrenaline to be pumped—just pain and suffering, with only more pain and suffering to look forward to.