Jaws Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Jaws? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What's Quint's favorite sea shanty?

"My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean"
"Sloop John B (Beach Boys Version)"
"Sloop John B (Weavers Version)"
"Farewell and Adieu to You Fair Spanish Ladies"
Q. What phrase does Quint use to teach Brody how to tie a knot?

Ten little lobsters, sleeping in a bed. One fell off and bumped his head.
Up through the rabbit hole, round the big tree; down through the rabbit hole and off goes he.
Little brown eel comes out of the cave, swims into the hole, comes outta the hole, and goes back into the cave again.
You put your left rope in, you put your left rope out, you put your left rope in, and you shake it all about.
Q. Which of these maritime-y lines is Quint's?

"Now then, tie 'em to the stern cleats. […] Bring it right around the cleat."
"Boys, boys. Don't raise sail; you're just going to luff with it."
"I've crewed three transpacs […] and an America's Cup trial."
"The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat."
Q. What is the shark's scientific name?

Isurus glaucous
Scarius maximus
Carcharodon carcharias
Chewum inswallowum
Q. What kind of knot does Quint use to test Hooper's seamanship?

Clove hitch
Double fake Mississippi werewolf bend
Spanish bowline