The Shark’s Timeline and Summary

The Shark’s Timeline and Summary

  • First, he kills Chrissie Watkins (after playing with her like a cat with a mouse).
  • Then he eats the holiday roast, destroys the jetty, and almost eats Charlie.
  • Next he kills Alex Kintner (and probably Pippet the dog).
  • At some point, he destroys Ben Gardner's boat and eats Ben.
  • Are we seeing a trend here?
  • He eats a boater in the pond and escapes back out to sea.
  • He eventually takes Quint's bait and bites through his piano wire fishing line.
  • The big guy finally reveals himself to Brody and gets shot by the first barrel before taking it underwater.
  • He returns that night and rams the Orca repeatedly.
  • He leads the men on a merry chase, eventually getting three barrels stuck in his hide and towing the Orca behind him like an ungainly water skier.
  • Then he turns and starts chasing the Orca until the engine blows up.
  • He attacks Hooper in the shark cage and gets momentarily stuck in the wreckage as Hooper escapes—that's gotta make him mad.
  • Yup. He jumps up on the deck and eats Quint.
  • He comes back for Brody, but instead gets a compressed air tank stuck in his kisser.
  • Brody blows him up with a well-placed shot at the tank and he sinks, in pieces, to the bottom of the ocean.