Jazz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Jazz? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Violet try to steal?

A baby
A car
A bag full of mail
An opal ring
Q. How does Rose Dear die?

In a car crash
Of old age
By falling off a ladder
Q. Why doesn't Violet want children initially?

Because she thinks they're smelly
Because she is scared of growing old
Because she is worried about inheriting her mother's insanity
Because she doesn't like reading Goodnight Moon
Q. Who does Joe remember looking for even as he looks for Dorcas?

True Belle
Q. How does Wild get her nickname?

Because she likes wild animals
Because she has a tattoo
Because she bites Hunter's Hunter's cheek
Because she screams at Golden Gray "I'm wild!"