The Judgment of Paris Trivia

The Judgment of Paris Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

In case you were wondering, Paris, the city, is not named after Paris of Troy. The famous capital of France is actually named for the Parisii, the Celtic tribe that first lived there way back in the day. (Don't tell Paris any of this, though, or he'll get all pouty.)

We've had reports that Paris was looking into building a vacation house on 3317 Paris, the Trojan asteroid named after him. (O.K., maybe we were kidding about the vacation home part.)

Elvis Costello sings a song called "Crimes of Paris" on his album Blood and Chocolate. (Paris hates this song, because he totally doesn't see himself as a criminal.)

In the Marvel Comics Universe, Paris has a sneaky superhero namesake who has it in for the Incredible Hulk.

Paris was moderately pleased when they cast Orlando Bloom to play him in the movie Troy. (But he did wish they could find an actor that measured up to his amazing handsomeness.)

There's a whole line of beauty products named after Helen of Troy.

In an episode of the original Start Trek series called "Elaan of Troyius," the Enterprise transports a beautiful alien woman to the planet of her people's enemies.

Piper McLean picks out a knife that once belonged to Helen in The Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan.