Julie of the Wolves Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Miyax stared hard at the regal black wolf, hoping to catch his eye. She must somehow tell him that she was starving and ask him for food. This could be done she knew, for her father, an Eskimo hunger had done so. (1.3)

It's clear early on that Miyax admires and respects Amaroq for being a "regal" leader of the wolves. But here, her admiration of her father's survival wisdom comes through as well.

Quote #2

Propped on her elbows with her chin in her fists, she stared at the black wolf, trying to catch his eye. She had chosen him because he was much larger than the others, and because he walked like her father, Kapugen, with his head high and his chest out. The black wolf also possessed wisdom, she had observed. (1.5)

Once again, we see a connection between Miyax's admiration for Amaroq, and her admiration for her father. It almost seems like Amaroq is the wolf-version of Kapugen. Except that Amaroq never lets her down.

Quote #3

He must indeed be their leader for he was clearly the wealthy wolf; that is, wealthy as she had known the meaning of the word on Nunivak Island. There the old Eskimo hunters she had known in her childhood though the riches of life were intelligence, fearlessness, and love. A man with these gifts was rich and was a great spirit who was admired in the same way that the gussaks admired a man with money and goods. (1.49)

Eskimo culture has taught Miyax to admire a certain type of man. But the gussak culture (which, at this point, she still finds alluring) tells her to admire someone quite different.