Kindred Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Alice Greenwood. How would she marry this boy? Or would it be marriage. And why hadn't someone in my family mentioned that Rufus was white? (2.2.147)

The first time she meets Alice, Dana knows that Alice will grow up to have children with Rufus Weylin. She can't imagine how, but she knows they'll get together. They probably won't ever get married (since it's illegal), but something's going to have to happen between them.

Quote #2

"That's better than saying you're his wife. Nobody would believe that." (3.2.144)

Rufus agrees that the best thing for Dana to do is tell people that Kevin is her white master. There's no way anyone would ever buy the idea in 1815 that a black woman and white man could be married. It would be as crazy in those days as the thought of someone marrying a chair or a rock.

Quote #3

Then about four months after we'd met, Kevin said, "How would you feel about getting married?" (4.1.9)

It's not the most dashing proposal in history, but Kevin decides to take the next step with Dana when he asks her to marry him. The move surprises Dana because they've been fighting for a while. She also doesn't realize just how much the engagement will anger her family.