Rufus Weylin Timeline and Summary


Rufus Weylin Timeline and Summary

  • Rufus first appears drowning in a river. Dana saves him by giving him mouth-to-mouth.
  • The next time we see Rufus, he lights his bedroom curtains on fire. Dana travels back in time to save him again. Rufus chats with her for a while and informs her that she has come back to 1815 Maryland. He also tells her to talk to him like a white master if she wants to avoid a whipping by his father.
  • We run into Rufus again when Dana comes back in time for a third visit. This time Rufus has fallen and broken his ankle. But Dana nurses him back to health.
  • Dana starts reading to Rufus in the evenings while Kevin tutors him during the day. They seem to make some inroads into making Rufus a better guy, especially when it comes to how he treats slaves.
  • The next time Dana travels back in time, she catches Rufus getting beaten up after he has tried to rape a black woman named Alice. Dana saves his life again even though she's starting to wonder whether he's worth saving.
  • Rufus asks Dana to help him have sex with Alice. Dana hates the idea but knows that Rufus and Alice will have to have children if she (Dana) is ever going to be born.
  • Rufus grows up to have children with Alice, but Alice hangs herself when Rufus lies to her about selling their children to a slave trader.
  • Rufus tries to comfort himself for the loss of Alice by grabbing hold of Dana. But she stabs him to death and that's the end of ol' Rufus Weylin.