The Kite Runner Chapter 14 Quotes

The Kite Runner Chapter 14 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:
Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote 1

I thought about a comment Rahim Khan had made just before we hung up. Made it in passing, almost as an afterthought. I closed my eyes and saw him at the other end of the scratchy long-distance line, saw him with his lips slightly parted, head tilted to one side. And again, something in his bottomless black eyes hinted at an unspoken secret between us. Except now I knew he knew. My suspicions had been right all those years. He knew about Assef, the kite, the money, the watch with the lightning bolt hands. He had always known.

Come. There is a way to be good again, Rahim Khan had said on the phone just before hanging up. Said it in passing, almost as an afterthought. (14.18-19)

It's fitting that Rahim Khan points Amir toward Sohrab – a boy who's being abused by Assef – as a way to redeem himself. ("There is a way to be good again.") Basically, Rahim Khan is saying to Amir: "Here's how you can undo the damage you lavished on Hassan." By saving Sohrab, intervention will replace passivity for Amir. While we're on the topic of redemption: voice also replaces silence through Amir's narration of the novel. After all these years, Amir has said nary a word about the alleyway and the mattress and now he lets loose 371 pages worth of words. The man needs some redemption.