Ted Kramer (Dustin Hoffman)’s Timeline and Summary

Ted Kramer (Dustin Hoffman)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Joanna leaves Ted—and Billy.
  • Ted promises Jim that taking care of Billy won't affect his performance at work.
  • Ted and Billy have their first big fight, and their first big reconciliation. The longer Joanna's away, the closer they become.
  • Ted gradually learns Parenting 101, like what grade his son is in, how to make French Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, and where in the kitchen you can find the cereal bowls
  • Billy falls off the jungle gym, cutting his head, and Ted runs him to the emergency room.
  • Joanna returns to New York and says she wants custody of Billy. Ted refuses.
  • Ted gets fired and is forced to find a new job within 24 hours.
  • Ted and Joanna go to court. Both make impassioned pleas for why they're the best parent for Billy.
  • Ted loses. He declines to appeal because it would mean putting Billy on the stand.
  • Joanna arrives to pick up Billy but realizes that Billy's home is with Ted and decides not to take Billy after all.