Identity Quotes in Lord of Light

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

One night, long ago, in happier times and better form, he had danced with her, on a balcony under the stars. It had been for only a few moments. But he remembered; and it is a difficult thing to be an ape and to have such memories. (1.40)

Although he's in the body of an ape, Tak still seems to be Tak—just, you know, a little hairier.

Quote #2

"I have many names, and none of them matter." (1.408)

Sam's names only point to aspects of his personality, such as Binder of Demons and Lord of Lights. These are things Sam does, though, not who he is. And if you've ever worked an awful job, be thankful of this fact.

Quote #3

[…] and no matter how hard he tried to suppress the memory and destroy that segment of his spirit, Brahma had been born a woman and somehow was woman still. Hating this thing, he had elected to incarnate time after time as an eminently masculine man, did so, and still felt somehow inadequate, as though the mark of his true sex were branded upon his brow. (2.224)

This section seems to suggest that who we are born is who we stay. On the other hand, maybe Brahma just can't accept himself for who he is. It's a pretty dangerous passage, so tread lightly here, Shmooper.