Love After Love Transformation Quotes

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Quote #1

You will love again the stranger who was your self. (7)

Get ready, “you.” The speaker’s predicting big things. Specifically, the prediction here is that you will experience a transformation that will allow you to finally love yourself again.

Quote #2

Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
To itself (8-9)

Transubstantiation is the Catholic idea that, when you ingest the bread and wine of communion, it literally transforms into the blood and body of Christ. Now, this poem is not specifically Catholic, but it does take a spiritual angle when it comes to the transformative experience of self-love. Check out “Shout-Outs” for more.

Quote #3

[…] whom you ignored
for another, (10-11)

To truly change, you must leave something behind. In this case, you’ve got to ditch that zero (an ex-lover, say) for a new hero (you).