Love Calls Us to the Things of This World Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #1

And spirited from sleep, the astounded soul (2)

This second line establishes the existence of a soul right way. Sounds spiritual to Shmoop.

Quote #2

The morning air is all awash with angels. (6)

There are angels among us. And we're not talking about Nicholas Cage. In this poem, the spiritual world is a part of the everyday world, even laundry drying on the line. Sure, it seems like an unlikely place to find an angel, but hey, isn't that precisely the point?

Quote #3

Some are in smocks; but truly there they are. (8)

Sure, a clothesline seems like an unlikely place to find an angel, but hey, isn't that precisely the point? Angels are all around, if we look hard enough (or let our souls float freely before we wake up).