The Lovely Bones Chapter 6 Quotes

The Lovely Bones Chapter 6 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:
Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Ruth Connor

Quote 1

Ruth smiled into her cup. "Well, as my dad would say, it means she's out of this shithole." (6.119)

Ruth, at least in this moment, thinks of death as a relief from the crappiness of life. Yet, she comes to understand that there is work to be done here, for the dead, which will give her a) entrance into heaven without dying, and b)major brownie points with the heavenites when she does die.

Ruth Connor

Quote 2

"If I'm not mistaken," said Miss Ryan, "there are no breasts on our anatomy model." (6.41)

Though this doesn't seem like a violent moment at first, but it sure feels violent to Ruth. Being denied the right to draw a part of her own anatomy is a type of violence, one thriving on power imbalances.

"You remind me of my wife," Len said. (6.199)

Nice pickup line, Len. Although Len is dedicated to keeping families safe from bad guys, he does take his own swipe at the Salmon family. Abigail initiates the affair, but Len makes early advances.