Lampito Timeline and Summary


Lampito Timeline and Summary

  • We first see Lampito the Spartan when she shows up at Lysistrata's meeting, along with Ismenia, from Thebes (a city in Boeotia allied with Sparta); and another woman from Corinth (a city between Athens and the Peloponnese, allied with Sparta).
  • Lysistrata and Calonice are impressed by Lampito's muscular physique.
  • Once the women are all assembled, Lysistrata launches into her speech. She starts by asking the women if they miss their husbands while they're off at war. All the women say they do. Then Lysistrata asks them if they want to end the war. They all say they do.
  • Then Lysistrata gets to the point. She says that, if the women want to bring an end to the war, they will all have to give up sex. This time around, the reaction is negative: the women think Lysistrata has gone too far, and they start walking away.
  • But, just then, Lysistrata gets Lampito, the Spartan woman, to agree to her plan. Once they see that Lampito is up for it, the other women stick around.
  • But then Lampito has an objection: she's happy to try out the same strategy on the men of Sparta, but it still won't bring peace so long as Athens has its vast stockpiles of money to spend on war.
  • Lysistrata, however, tells her not to worry: that very day, a commando squad of old women has headed up to the Acropolis (the fortified government center of Athens, on top of a steep hill), and is going to seize the treasury by force. That way, they can prevent the men of the city from squandering the money on war.
  • Lampito is cool with that. Hearing this, Lysistrata suggests that they all swear a formal oath.
  • Later on, when the Herald shows up from Sparta, we learn that Lampito has gotten all the women of that city to go on a sex-strike—inflicting the men of the city with acute penis pain.