Maggie: A Girl of the Streets Fate Versus Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

In the street infants played or fought with other infants or sat stupidly in the way of vehicles. (2.1)

Okay, so these kids are pretty much screwed from day one. Crane lets us know early on that these stupid infants will soon turn into stupid and belligerent adults. Hey—we never said Crane was a nice guy.

Quote #2

During the evening he had been standing against a bar drinking whiskies and declaring to all comers, confidentially: "My home reg'lar livin' hell! Damndes' place! Reg'lar hell! Why do I come an' drin' whisk' here thish way? 'Cause home reg'lar livin' hell!" (3.14)

As far as Mr. Johnson—and just about everyone else in the novel—sees it, life is what it is. There's no changing things, just suffering through. That said, the general consensus seems to be that drinking helps.

Quote #3

Her bare, red arms were thrown out above her head in positions of exhaustion, something, mayhap, like those of a sated villain. (3.25)

The story of the lives of these characters has already been written, which means that the villains, the damsels, and the heroes have been determined, for good or ill.