Jimmie Johnson Timeline and Summary


Jimmie Johnson Timeline and Summary

  • Jimmie fights off some of the neighborhood's Irish lads, protecting his territory—Rum Alley, that is.
  • A bit outnumbered, a bloody and beaten Jimmie is helped out by Pete.
  • Along comes Poppa Johnson, and with that, it's time to get back to the squalid tenement to watch Mom's drunken spectacle.
  • Back at the homestead, Jimmie finds his mother on a rampage (nothing new there).
  • Jimmie seeks safe haven in a neighbor's apartment, and she sends him off to buy her a beer.
  • So much for that beer, though: Jimmie runs into Dad on the way back, and Dad snatches it from him.
  • Jimmie goes back to the apartment and cowers with his siblings.
  • Later, Jimmie becomes a truck driver, ignores religion, and lives life with a serious bone to pick.
  • Jimmie brings Pete by the apartment, and while they trade stories about who is the macho-est, Maggie falls in love with Pete.
  • Things at home aren't so hot: Maggie has disappeared with Pete, Mom is drunk, and Jimmie is ticked off.
  • Then it occurs to him that perhaps Pete doesn't really know it's not cool to shack up with other people's sisters, so Jimmie goes to Pete's place of work and beats him to a pulp. He escapes before the police can get him.
  • Jimmie can't get over his sister's dishonorable ways. Everybody's talking about it—for shame.
  • Turns out, though, that Jimmie's not so righteous after all. He has his own "forlorn woman" (15.1) traipsing after him, just like Maggie after Pete.
  • Jimmie still can't muster any sympathy for his now-homeless sister, though, and in the end, he comes home to tell his Mom that Maggie is dead.