Mansfield Park Chapter 43 Summary

  • After Henry leaves, Fanny gets another letter from Mary.
  • Mary reports that Henry still loves and misses her. Mary confesses that she's confused about her feelings for Edmund and could really use someone to talk to.
  • Mary's friends all really like Edmund, though.
  • She reiterates that she is happy to come with Henry to get Fanny whenever she wants to head back to Mansfield Park.
  • Mary then tells Fanny that Henry will see the Rushworths at a party next week.
  • Fanny is relieved that Mary and Edmund aren't engaged yet but she thinks it's only a matter of time.
  • Fanny's pretty jealous of their courtship, and thinks that Mary doesn't deserve Edmund since she's so shallow and superficial.
  • She also thinks it's bad that Mary is OK with Henry meeting Maria again.
  • At the same time, Fanny longs for another letter from Mary.
  • Susan and Fanny continue to grow closer and Susan learns a lot from her older sister.
  • Fanny tells Susan all about Mansfield Park and longs to visit and escape Portsmouth.