Martin Scorsese Primary Sources

Historical documents. What clues can you gather about Martin Scorsese, the time, place, players, and culture?

Mean Streets Review

Roger Ebert's 1973 review of Mean Streets.

Taxi Driver Review

Roger Ebert's 1976 review of Taxi Driver.

Raging Bull Review

Roger Ebert's 1980 review of Raging Bull.

Color of Money Review

The 1986 New York Times review of The Color of Money.

The Age of Innocence Review

Roger Ebert's 1993 review of The Age of Innocence

Taxi Driver Trailer

The 1976 trailer for Taxi Driver.

Raging Bull Trailer

The trailer for Scorsese's classic 1980 film Raging Bull.

Lee on Scorsese

Director Spike Lee interviews Martin Scorsese

Scorsese on the Immigrant Experience

A 2007 transcript of Scorsese speaking about the history of immigrants and film.

Oscar Interview

The transcript of Scorsese's press interview immediately after winning his first Best Director Academy Award in 2007.