Matched Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Before Ally Condie started writing about dystopian teenage love triangles, she wrote books about and for LDS youth for a small Mormon publisher, Deseret. (Source.)

But long before that, Condie's first memory of creative writing was a story about pregnant unicorns that she wrote for her babysitter as a child. We don't know about you, but we're hoping pregnant unicorns make an appearance in one of her future books. (Source.)

The inspiration for Matched came from Condie's economist husband, who once posed the question, "What if we could write the perfect algorithm to line people up, like matchmaking?" And the rest is history. (Source.)

If Condie was the star of her own young adult movie, she'd want to be played by Emma Stone. And her celebrity crush is Nathan Fillion. Okay, so we're pretty much ready to be her best friend. (Source.)