Disappointment Quotes in Me Before You

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I don't do anything, Miss Clark. I can't do anything anymore but sit. I just about exist." (3.122)

Will has trouble adapting to his spinal injury because it removes his ability to do the things he once enjoyed. Imagine if you could never do any of your favorite hobbies ever again. That'd be rough.

Quote #2

"He's not going to walk again, Louisa. That only happens in Hollywood movies." (5.150)

Another big contributor to Will's sense of disappointment is his complete lack of hope for recovery. Hope can be a powerful thing, and Will doesn't have that luxury.

Quote #3

"Everyone does. God's little joke." (6.128-129)

We get the sense that Will might be happier if he had been injured during an extreme sport exploit, but he has to contend with the fact that he's been paralyzed due to pure random chance.