Regina George (Rachel McAdams)’s Timeline and Summary

Regina George (Rachel McAdams)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Regina meets Cady and invites her to eat lunch with The Plastics.
  • The Plastics show Cady their Burn Book.
  • Gretchen tells Regina that Cady likes Aaron, and Regina tells Cady she'll put in a good word for her with him.
  • At the Halloween party, Regina tells Aaron that Cady's a stalker and then comes on to him. They get back together.
  • Regina flaunts her relationship with Aaron in front of Cady.
  • Regina wants to lose three pounds.
  • Regina snaps at Gretchen during the Winter Talent Show, prompting Gretchen to start spilling her secrets to Cady.
  • "Somebody on the baseball team" tells Aaron that Regina's cheating on him, and they break up.
  • Cady uses a three-way call attack to turn Karen against Regina, too.
  • Regina and Shane crash Cady's house party, and Regina walks in on Cady and Aaron talking on Cady's bed. She loses it.
  • Regina adds a page about herself to the Burn Book and then turns the book into Mr. Duvall in an attempt to frame Cady, Gretchen, and Karen for the book.
  • Then she distributes copies of it all over the school and chaos erupts.
  • Janis tells all the junior girls about she and Cady's plan to destroy Regina's life, and Regina leaves school.
  • In the middle of chewing Cady out in front of the junior girls, Regina gets hit by a bus. She injures her spine, but is ultimately fine.
  • By senior year, Regina and Cady have repaired their relationship. Regina's also joined the lacrosse team.