Mr. Samsa Timeline and Summary


Mr. Samsa Timeline and Summary

  • Mr. Samsa tries to figure out why his son Gregor is still in bed in the morning.
  • When his son's boss arrives, Mr. Samsa tries to explain Gregor's tardiness, to no avail.
  • Mr. Samsa hears what must be Gregor in the bedroom replying to the office manager, but Mr. Samsa can't figure out what Gregor is saying and doesn't recognize his son's voice.
  • When Gregor finally emerges from his room in the form of a bug, Mr. Samsa chases Gregor around the living room. Gregor gets stuck in the doorway, and Mr. Samsa shoves Gregor into Gregor's room.
  • On the first day of the transformation, Mr. Samsa explains to the family that their financial situation is not so bleak, but that they all need to find work.
  • One day, Mr. Samsa returns home to discover that Gregor has escaped from his room. Mr. Samsa is dressed in his uniform, the uniform of a bank messenger.
  • Mr. Samsa again chases Gregor around the room. This time, he chucks apples at Gregor until one lodges into Gregor's back and disables him.
  • Mrs. Samsa begs Mr. Samsa to spare Gregor's life, and Mr. Samsa leaves Gregor alone.
  • After this incident, Mr. Samsa settles into a routine where he falls asleep after dinner in the living room, still in his uniform. After much coaxing, his wife and his daughter help him to bed.
  • Mr. Samsa gets sucked into an argument between his daughter and his wife over his wife's cleaning Gregor's room.
  • When the family takes in boarders, Mr. Samsa eats meals in the kitchen with his family. One night, the boarders invite his daughter to play the violin in the living room and Mr. Samsa follows his daughter and his wife into the living room.
  • While his daughter plays, Gregor creeps out into the living room. Mr. Samsa tries to explain Gregor to the boarders, and somehow gets them back into their own room.
  • As Gregor lies prostrate on the floor, Mr. Samsa listens to his daughter's arguments for getting rid of Gregor. Mr. Samsa watches along with his daughter and his wife as Gregor slumps back into his room.
  • The next day, Mr. Samsa is woken up by the cleaning woman, who announces that Gregor is dead. After confirming this fact, Mr. Samsa, his wife, and his daughter confer in the bedroom.
  • Mr. Samsa emerges in his uniform, his wife and his daughter at his side. They chase the boarders out of their apartment. They all compose letters to their employers saying that they're taking the day off.
  • On the train out to the country, Mr. Samsa and his wife mutually recognize that Grete has grown into a marriageable young woman.