Middlemarch Book 7, Chapter 69 Summary

  • The same day Bulstrode turned down Lydgate's request for a personal loan, Caleb Garth shows up at his house to tell him that a man named Raffles has appeared at Stone Court, and is sick.
  • But Caleb has also come to step down from his position as Bulstrode's agent. Raffles has told him about Bulstrode's past, and how his money was made, and Caleb's sense of integrity won't let him continue to work for Bulstrode.
  • Caleb is nice about it, though, and does promise never to say anything about what Raffles said to him.
  • Caleb doesn't even tell Mrs. Garth the real reason why he's quit working for Bulstrode, but he's glad that he didn't tell Mary and Fred about his plan to rent Stone Court for Fred.
  • When Bulstrode goes to Stone Court to see how sick Raffles really is, he's shocked. Raffles is in rough shape.
  • Lydgate comes to look after him.
  • Lydgate says that under no circumstances should they give the patient any liquor, no matter how much he begs.
  • Bulstrode tells Lydgate that he'll stay with Raffles at Stone Court to look after him, since the housekeeper and her husband aren't very experienced at dealing with sick people.
  • Lydgate doesn't think that's necessary, but doesn't argue.
  • Lydgate goes home to find Rosamond in bed. The agents, who had taken inventory of their furniture as security for the debts they owe, had been back, intending to start collecting their stuff as collateral.
  • Rosamond tells Lydgate that she's going to go stay with her parents until he can provide her with a more suitable home.
  • Lydgate's miserable about it.