Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Chapter 5 Quotes

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Chapter 5 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

In her hands she held a flickering light, which wasn't a lantern or a candle but seemed to be a ball of raw flame, attended by nothing more than her bare skin. (5.58)

Notice how Jacob says "seemed to be" here—while he can't explain it, he's still not willing to admit yet that Emma is generating fire with her bare hands.

Quote 2

I opened my mouth to protest my innocence—and stopped when I noticed a cup floating toward me. (5.137)

Almost anything Jacob has seen thus far could be explained away somehow, but since David Blaine isn't anywhere nearby, levitating dinnerware can only be the result of something supernatural.

Quote 3

I got excited—and then just as quickly went cold, because something dreadful occurred to me. I have to go down there. (5.33)

Jacob's bravery has its limits. Going inside Miss Peregrine's dilapidated house is scary enough, but heading into the dark, creepy basement takes a new level of courage Jacob has to tap into. We feel you, dude.