Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Chapter 6 Quotes

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Chapter 6 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

We just kept walking, the girl who could make fire with her hands and the invisible boy and me. (6.2)

Jacob feels right at home amongst the peculiar children pretty quickly, even though he still feels as though he doesn't quite fit in, being normal and all.

Quote 2

"At base, it is a simple dichotomy: there are the coerlfolc, the teeming mass of common people who make up humanity's great bulk, and there is the hidden branch—the crypto-sapiens, if you will—who are called syndrigast, or "peculiar spirit" in the venerable language of my ancestors." (6.88)

Whenever supernatural people are being discussed, it helps to have fancy names for them, from the casters of Beautiful Creatures to the Volturi of Twilight. Miss Peregrine's sets itself apart by being nearly unpronounceable. Must be because they're in Wales.

Quote 3

I gazed at it in wonder—not because it was awful, but because it was beautiful. (6.3)

It's not until Jacob goes back in time that he sees what a welcoming place the house once was.