Modernism: The Who's and What's of Modernism Quiz

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Modernism? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who developed the concept of Stream of Consciousness?

Albert Einstein
Sigmund Freud
William James
Karl Marx
Q. What is "Montage" and who developed it?

A style of architecture developed by Antonio Gaudi
A cinematic technique developed by Sergei Eisenstein
A poem by H.D.
A painting by Picasso
Q. What major event of Modernism happened in 1913?

WWII broke out
Stravinsky's and Nijinsky's Rite of Spring premiered in Paris
The Titanic sank
The world record for the most people packed into a car
Q. Who is the self-made man that became the literary symbol of the Jazz Era?

Jay Gatsby
Leo Tolstoy
Captain Ahab
Marcel Proust
Q. Who is Clarissa Dalloway?

Ezra Pound's girlfriend
a character in a novel by Virginia Woolf
Gertrude Stein's mechanic
a Futurist manifesto writer