Sir Lancelot (John Cleese)’s Timeline and Summary

Sir Lancelot (John Cleese)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Lancelot is picked up by Arthur and the gang somewhere along the line. It's not really clear; they probably caught him in the midst of an act that was both incredibly heroic and unnecessary.
  • He travels almost to Camelot with them and is there when God bestows the quest for the Holy Grail.
  • When they split up, Lancelot is roaming the countryside with his servant Concorde. Concorde suddenly finds himself with an arrow in the chest.
  • Lancelot sees the note attached to the arrow and assumes it was written by a damsel in distress, trapped in the nearby Swamp Castle. He ignores Concorde and rushes to save the damsel, slaughtering wedding guests along the way.
  • To Lancelot's dismay, he finds a young lad instead of a young lady. The wedding guests are also pretty upset what with all the killing and everything, but Herbert's (the young man) father is willing to put that all behind them to get on Lancelot's good side.
  • Lancelot is able to make it out in one piece and goes on to save Galahad from the dangerous temptresses of Anthrax Castle.
  • He joins the rest of the gang when they meet Tim the Enchanter and defeat the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog with the Holy Hand Grenade… well, actually he only shows up after Tim the Enchanter leaves.
  • He makes it out of the cave with the rest as they barely escape their encounter with the Legendary Black Beast of Aaarrggghhh.
  • Lancelot volunteers him to be the first to cross the Bridge of Death, which he is more than happy to do, being so brave and all.
  • Fortunately, the Bridgekeeper only asks his name, quest, and favorite color, so he makes it across just fine.
  • On the other side, he's apprehended and patted down by the police investigating the murder of the historian, and that's the last we see of him.