Le Morte D'Arthur Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


There's quite a lot of sex in Le Morte D'Arthur, and plenty of plots completely driven by sex. Just take Uther's whole obsession with going to bed with Igrayne, which causes him to go into disguise as her husband and conceive Arthur. Sir Gareth and Lyonet spend a great deal of time trying to have sex, only to be thwarted by Lyonet's crafty sister. Trystram and Isode get caught in bed together a lot, which causes problems for them seeing as Isode is married to another man. For all the sex that's here, though, none of it's described in graphic terms. Our story is not as interested in sex as it is in violence, which is why we get the blow-by-blow of, for example, Arthur's battle with the ogre, but have no idea what goes on behind Gwenyvere's bed curtains.