Mother Night Chapter 43 Summary

St. George and the Dragon…

  • Guess who's back? Back again? Tell a friend: O'Hare.
  • Campbell finds O'Hare hiding in his apartment.
  • O'Hare's pale, thin, and drunk, so Campbell assumes he has a gun. He keeps an eye on a pair of fire-tongs in case O'Hare attacks.
  • O'Hare—in his quest to be a hero—pulls a classic villain mistake: talking too much while letting the other guy get a jump on you.
  • Here's what we learn.
  • O'Hare is bitter about his postwar life because he has a job coordinating ice cream trucks while his bills are too high and his wife keeps having babies. We're pretty sure it takes two people in post-WWII America to have a baby, but O'Hare isn't thinking straight.
  • While O'Hare jabbers on about how evil Campbell is—he may even be the Devil—Campbell breaks the dude's arm with the fire-tongs.
  • Cue O'Hare's shame.
  • Campbell and O'Hare go out into the hall, and Campbell scolds him about ideology and nationalism.
  • O'Hare pukes.