Muckrakers & Reformers Statistics

Muckrakers & Reformers Statistics

By the Numbers

Chicago's Black population, as a proportion of the city's total population in 1900: 2%
Chicago's Black population, as a proportion of the city's total population in 1960: almost 25%10

Black population of New York City in 1900: about 50,000
Black population of Philadelphia in 1900: about 50,00011

Number of "dumbbell" tenement houses (named for the shape of their floor plans) in New York City in 1894: about 39,000
Proportion of New York City's total population living in "dumbbell" tenement houses in 1894: almost half12

Number of settlement houses in the United States in 1891: 6
Number of settlement houses in the United States in 1897: 7413
Number of settlement houses in the United States in 1920: nearly 50014

American daily newspaper circulation in 1870: 2.8 million
American daily newspaper circulation in 1899: 24 million15

Circulation of McClure's magazine in 1903: 370,000
Circulation of McClure's magazine in 1906: over 750,00016

Circulation of Hampton's magazine in 1903: 13,000
Circulation of Hampton's magazine in 1906: 440,00017

Combined subscriptions of the three major temperance newspapers in 1890: 100,00018

Price of the New York Times in 1896: 1¢19