Mushrooms Perseverance Quotes

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Quote #1

Soft fists insist on
Heaving the needles,
The leafy bedding, (10-12)

Their fists might be soft, but they're insistent. They're not even afraid of needles. (We're not sure that's a good idea for anybody with soft fists, but all right.) These raised fists are a totally revolutionary image (fight the power!). But can any revolution succeed if the fists involved are soft?

Quote #2

Even the paving.
Our hammers, our rams, (13-14)

The speaker continues the thought from the last quote and makes it way more intense. The mushrooms' quiet revolution has gotten almost aggressive as they bash their way through concrete. This is probably the place in the poem where their determined perseverance is the fiercest.

Quote #3

Nudgers and shovers
In spite of ourselves.
Our kind multiplies: (28-30)

The speaker admits they've got personal barriers that stand in their way, but still they persevere. It's this kind of self-deprecating attitude that makes us really root for the speaker and her mushroom friends. They aren't perfect, but they soldier on.