New Criticism: Important Texts Quiz

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around New Criticism? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who wrote The New Criticism, giving the movement its name?

Monroe C. Beardsley
John Crowe Ransom
William Empson
Q. What do Wimsatt and Beardsley rail against in "The Intentional Fallacy"?

The idea that authors are the ultimate source of meaning.
Reading poems as poems.
Close reading.
Watching movie adaptations of novels.
Q. According to the title of his well-known work, what was William Empson analyzing?

"13 ways of looking at a blackbird."
Seven Types of Ambiguity.
Sixteen Candles.
Hundreds of soap operas.
Q. In which work would you learn about "the heresy of paraphrase"?

William Empson's Seven Types of Ambiguity
Cleanth Brooks's The Well Wrought Urn
Yvor Winters's poetry
James Joyce's Ulysses
Q. What major work of New Criticism became a standard textbook?

Understanding Poetry, by Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren
The New Criticism, by John Crowe Ransom
Miss Emily and the Bibliographer, by Allen Tate
The Intentional Fallacy, by Wimsatt and Beardsley