Choices Quotes in No Country for Old Men

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The papers said it was a crime of passion and he told me there wasnt no passion to it. (1.1.1)

Bell draws a distinction between crimes of passion and premediated murders, making it clear that for him, the person who chooses to murder deserves a harsher punishment, like the death penalty, precisely because there is deliberate choice involved in premeditated murder.

Quote #2

I'm fixin to go do somethin dumbern hell but I'm goin anways. (1.3.110)

Llewelyn thinks it's a mistake to take the surviving Mexican drug runner a jug of water, but he chooses to do so, anyway. Why does he make this choice, even though he thinks it's a stupid one?

Quote #3

He chewed slowly and thought about his life. (3.3.257)

In brief sentences like these, we think "thought about his life" is a shorthand way of saying "considering the choices he has made to lead him here." But do you think Llewelyn regrets them?