Carson Wells (Woody Harrelson)’s Timeline and Summary

Carson Wells (Woody Harrelson)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Carson Wells shows up in the office of a high-powered businessman who's involved with American drug dealers. The man hires Wells to hunt down and kill Anton Chigurh.
  • Wells finds Llewellyn Moss in a Mexican hospital. He offers Moss safety in return for the drug money Moss stole from a crime scene. Moss turns him down, but Wells leaves his card.
  • Wells checks out the riverbank that lies on the American side of the U.S./Mexican border. He sees where Moss has stashed the case of money and heads back to his hotel.
  • Back at his hotel, Wells is confronted by Anton Chigurh and led back to his room. He tries to bargain for his life by offering Chigurh the money, but Chigurh kills him anyway.