Number the Stars Quizzes

    Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Number the Stars? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
    Q. What are Kirsti’s new shoes made out of?

    Fish skin
    Her old shoes
    Q. What did Kirsti name the kitten that Annemarie and Ellen found?

    Fluffers McButtercup
    Q. What’s actually in Great-aunt Birte’s coffin?

    Some random old lady’s corpse
    Ellen’s parents
    Clothes and linens
    Q. What was in the package for Henrik?

    The lunch he forgot
    Ellen’s necklace
    A hankie
    A treasure map
    Q. How did Lise die?

    A car accident
    She was murdered by the Nazis
    Peter accidentally killed her
    She has been alive the entire time