Oliver Twist Chapter 45 Summary

"Noah Claypole is Employed by Fagin on a Secret Mission"

  • The next morning, Fagin gives a secret mission to Noah Claypole (a.k.a. Morris Bolter).
  • Before giving him the details, Fagin flatters him on how well he’s been doing at robbing little kids. You know the expression, "easy as taking candy from a baby"? Yeah, well, that’s pretty much Noah’s job, and he’s awfully good at it.
  • Fagin tells him that the secret mission will be to follow a woman around, and report back to Fagin about who she sees, and where she goes, and what she says.
  • Of course Noah wants to know how much he’ll get paid, and Fagin offers him a pound for the job.
  • Fagin explains that it’s one of their own gang, but that she’s found new friends, and that he must know who they are.
  • Noah agrees to the mission immediately, and seems pretty jazzed about the idea of following some young woman around—says he was pretty good at that when he was back in school. Lovely.
  • Fagin tells Noah that he’ll point out the young woman in question in a few days.
  • The next Sunday, Fagin is certain that Nancy will sneak out, because Sikes is planning on being out all night.
  • Fagin takes Noah to their house, and points her out as she leaves.
  • Noah gets a good look at her as she passes a candle, and then follows her through the streets.