Moira Davidson Timeline & Summary


Moira Davidson Timeline & Summary

  • After learning of the war, Moira starts spending all of her time partying.
  • Moira meets Dwight Towers at the Holmes family home and falls in love with him.
  • Dwight and Moira develop a relationship, although Dwight is unwilling to get romantic because he feels like his family is still alive.
  • Before Dwight leaves on Scorpion, Moira learns that he wants a pogo stick to give his daughter. She has one custom-built for him while he's gone.
  • After learning that Dwight loves fishing, Moira has trout season opened early so they can go fishing before the radiation cloud hits.
  • Moira kisses Dwight goodbye at the naval base, before he takes Scorpion to open water to sink it.
  • Moira follows Scorpion and takes a euthanasia pill in her car.