Our Mutual Friend Book 4, Part 16, Chapter 2 Summary

The Golden Dustman Rises a Little

  • The bankrupt Lammles have come to have breakfast with the Boffins. Of course, Mr. Lammle is still angling for the position as Mr. Boffin's secretary.
  • Mr. Boffin presents Mr. and Mrs. Lammle with a hundred pounds as a reward for them telling him about Mr. Rokesmith's pursuit of Bella. The Lammles take the money happily. Mrs. Lammle then asks whether she could ever hope to take the place of Bella Wilfer in the Boffins' hearts (and in their wallets). But Mr. Boffin will have none of it. He thinks it's best if the Boffins go their way and the Lammles go theirs.
  • Just as the Lammles are about to leave, young Georgiana Podsnap runs in and hugs Mrs. Lammle, saying she can't believe that the Lammles are bankrupt. She gives Mrs. Lammle a necklace to sell to help her out with her money troubles. Mr. Boffin takes the necklace and says he'll make sure it's sold at a good price.
  • Once Georgiana is gone, Boffin says he'll make sure the necklace goes back to her. Basically, he knows the Lammles are frauds. He promises not to tell Georgiana, though.
  • With that, the Lammles leave. We'll probably never see them again.