A Perfect Day for Bananafish Theme of Innocence

"A Perfect Day for Bananafish" contrasts the world of children (imaginative, curious, pure, and innocent) with the world of adults (materialistic, selfish, shallow). As you can see, the story glorifies children and to some degree condemns the attitude of most adults. It even explores the idea that children are somehow more spiritually advanced than adults, more capable of seeing with the soul rather than the eyes.

Questions About Innocence

  1. In what ways is Seymour innocent? In what ways is he not? What does "innocence" mean in this story, anyway?
  2. How is the adult world characterized in this story? The world of children?
  3. When do these two worlds come in conflict? What are the consequences?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Seymour is better suited to the world of children than to the world of adults.