


Character Role Analysis

Queen Amidala and Nute Gunray

Both Padmé Amidala and Nute Gunray are the leaders of the opposing sides in the Invasion of Naboo, so each wants to win the war. They also have Force-sensitive advisors that help them achieve their goals: Padmé has the Jedi Knight Qui-Gon and Gunray has the Sith Darth Sidious.

But they differ in their purpose. Gunray wants to control Naboo for selfish reasons, hoping to increase his prestige and the Trade Federation's bank account by eliminating or reducing trade taxes. Padmé fights to protect her people and their sovereignty.

They also differ in tactics. Gunray invaded the Naboo illegally, but Padmé attempts to use the political system to end the conflict peacefully. She only brings the fight to Gunray when politicking fails to bring about a quick enough resolution.

Ultimately, these differences align the characters into the good guy and bad guy camps of the Star Wars universe. We're pretty sure you know who goes where.