Political Parties Movies & TV

Political Parties Movies & TV

Chicago 1968 (1996)

This episode in the award-winning PBS series, American Experience, explores the dramatic events surrounding the 1968 Democratic Convention. Protestors, politicians, and historians offer analysis while newsreel footage allows viewers to relive the powerful events that proved catastrophic for the Democratic Party.

The War Room (1993)

A behind-the-scenes look at Bill Clinton's successful 1992 campaign for the presidency. The film focuses, in particular, on campaign managers James Carville and George Stephanopoulos as they plot the grand strategy and obsess over the petty details through the primaries, national convention, and November election.

The 30-Second President (1984)

This segment of the Bill Moyers series, A Walk through the Twentieth Century, explores the role of television advertising on presidential campaigns. Campaign ads from Eisenhower through Reagan illustrate the methods that have transformed American politics and, according to some, threatened the place of the political party in the electoral process.