Postcolonial Theory: Central Texts Quiz

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Postcolonial Theory? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What novel is the postcolonial novel and has won the "'Booker of Bookers"' twice?

Uh, that's impossible. No book has ever won the "'Booker of Bookers"' twice.
Heart of Darkness
Midnight's Children
Things Fall Apart
Q. Why does Chinua Achebe dislike Heart of Darkness?

The book is way more popular than his own book.
The book is racist for using Africa and Africans as backdrops for the white European male.
The book is soooo boring.
The book tries too hard to be crafty and literary.
Q. Which theoretical book is often cited as the book that created the field of postcolonialism?

Homi Bhabha's The Location of Culture
Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness
Jacques Derrida's Of Grammatology
Edward Said's Orientalism
Q. What book opened up the field of postcolonialism to people from "'non-traditional"' postcolonial places, like Australia and Ireland?

White Teeth
The Empire Writes Back
The Lonely Planet Guide
The Location of Culture
Q. What postcolonial novel retells Jane Eyre from the perspective of the "'madwoman in the attic"'?

Wide Sargasso Sea
The Madwoman in the Attic
A Room of One's Own