Prometheus Bound Suffering Quotes

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Quote #1

PROMETHEUS. Look, with what indignities I am tormented, to endure these trials for endless years!

Prometheus is a god, so it's hard to say what suffering is like for him. We get the impression here that what he hates is the "indignity." Sure, he talks about torments—but it seems like he's way more bitter about being humiliated.

Quote #2

PROMETHEUS. I thank you for that, and I shall never cease to be grateful; you are certainly not short of zeal. But don't make the effort. Any effort you make for me, if you do make one, will be wasted and will do no good. Keep quiet, and keep yourself out of harm's way. Even if my fortunes are poor, I wouldn't for that reason want suffering to strike as many others as possible! (340-346)

This is how we know Prometheus is a good guy. He may be chained to a rock, but he's still looking out for the people around him. Gee, wouldn't you rather worship him?

Quote #3

IO. What land, what people are these? Who should I say this that I see, wind-battered, harnessed to the rocks? For what crime are you thus being murdered? (562-563)

Io's been driven on stage by a gadfly, and the first thing she does is express sympathy for Prometheus. That, friends, is how to win friends and influence people.