
Raiders has its share of fans, to be sure, though they're not as loud or prominent as other fan bases. (Trekkies, we're looking at you.) You certainly get your share of people dressing in the old hat and jacket at Comic Con, and there are plenty of websites out there speculating on the minutiae of the film, but we've yet to see the kind of cultural saturation that creates theme weddings and mountains of children's toys (again with the Trekkies). Lots of people love the movie, but comparatively few are willing to dedicate an entire weekend convention to it.

We'd be remiss, though, if we didn't mention at least one group of admirers who went well beyond what even the most hard-core fans of other movies would do.

In 1989, teenagers Chris Strompolos, Eric Zala, and Jayson Lamb got together and started reshooting the entire movie, scene for scene. They didn't have any money and it took them years to complete it (between all those pesky real-life things like high school), but they got it done thanks to a 2014 boost from Kickstarter, and the resulting film has become kind of a cult classic in and of itself.

Their version of Raiders sees screenings at film festivals and online sources, and Spielberg himself praised the "vast amounts of imagination and originality" they displayed on film.

How can a few sets of pointy ears compete with that?