Ralph Ellison Websites

Ralph Ellison Webliography

This amazingly comprehensive site lists virtually everything ever written by or about Ralph Ellison. It also contains biographical information about the author, plus a chronology of his life, and links to other web resources.

African American Literature Book Club

This site is a clearinghouse of information about African-American writers. Ellison's page has his biography, reviews of his work, and links to purchasing information for his books. From here you can navigate to other writers associated with Ellison, such as Langston Hughes and Richard Wright.

Ralph Ellison Project at Jerry Jazz Musician

This unique site features the texts of interviews with people connected to Ellison, such as his biographer Arthur Rampersad and his best friend Albert Murray. It's a great place to find insights on the writer as an individual.

PBS—American Masters

This website accompanies the PBS documentary "Ralph Ellison: An American Journey." It features an interactive timeline of the writer's life, extra footage from the film, and interviews with the filmmakers. This is a great place to for an overview of Ellison's life.

Literature and Life

A great PBS web resource that charts the evolution of African-American literature. The site features e-texts, audio and video clips, and a narrative that walks you through the decades.

Jazz Age Culture—Pittsburg State University

Learn more about the Harlem Renaissance, the flourishing of African-American literature, art, and culture that paved the way for writers like Ralph Ellison. Ellison's mentor Langston Hughes was one of its key members.