Ready Player One Chapter 33 Quotes

Ready Player One Chapter 33 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

The young woman sitting in front of me was my best friend, Aech. (33.51)

Wade's friendship with Aech transcends race, even when he finds out that she's an African-American lesbian named Helen. That wins some major points for Wade in our book. Or maybe at this point he's too worried about other stuff to give a hoot about the fact that his bestie is very much not who he thought he was.

Ogden Morrow

Quote 2

"Even though the Sixers have done everything to stack the odds against you, somehow you four have persevered." (33.15)

Og recognizes the effort Wade and his friends have gone to for this quest. Maybe that's why he never stepped in to help them before this moment: he realized they could do it by themselves.

Aech's RV […] was a mocha-colored SunRider. […] A patchwork of solar cells covered the RV's roof. (33.48)

Aech's home isn't even a house. It's an RV, which proves home isn't only where the heart is, it's where your Internet connection is, and if you can take it with you wherever you go, well, more power to you.