Rosa Courage Quotes

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Quote #1

How she sat there (1)

Only because of historical context do we know this took a ton of courage. Sitting usually isn't up there with rescuing women and children from a burning building, but in Parks's case it was a pretty courageous act.

Quote #2

Doing nothing was the doing: (2)

For most of us, it's pretty easy to do nothing, and takes absolutely no courage whatsoever. When Rosa Parks decided to "do nothing" by not getting up from her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus in 1955, it was one of the baddest acts of courage in the Civil Rights movement.

Quote #3

the clean flame of her gaze (8)

This is one of the rare occasions where Dove offers us a glimpse into Parks's inner courage. She's got a fire in her eyes. And… cue "Eye of the Tiger".